Play Mahjong online

Mahjong is a ancient table game that was created in China. As with any good product it was adopted by many cultures around the world. Evidence from Chinese researchers claim that contemporary Mahjong originated from Kiangsu, Anhwei near Shanghai around mid- to late 19th century, while others still contest the origin of the game even today. Mahjong isn’t very well know prior to 1905 in the rest of the world, however during the early 20th century it gradually spread to the Western world. By 1920, Mahjong spread in the states feverously.
Mahjong tiles tend to appeal to collectors because of the incredible artistry shown in their carved designs. The one of bamboo and the four flower tiles often stand out in a set. Traditionally, the tiles were made of ivory, bone and bamboo, but nowadays, the tiles are largely made of wood, plastic and ceramic due to worldwide trade embargoes. There are 136 tiles in a set which includes 36 characters, 36 circles, 36 bamboos (each of these suits are divided into numbers one to nine), 16 Wind tiles and 12 Dragon tiles. Some sets, also, include four flower tiles and four season tiles for a total of 144 tiles.
If your eyes get blurred by all the similar tiles in original mahjong, you can try this variation of the game. In this game, the symbols of the original tiles are replaced by cute signs of a coffee shop such as a cup of coffee, cookies, a cup of tea, etc. This refreshment saves you from trying to identify all the tiles of the former game. Moreover, instead of showing you all tiles, there are some pieces hidden, and only when you eliminate some tiles will they be revealed. Source: here.
In 1937, the game of Mah Jong became much more regulated with the formation of the National Mah Jong League, also referred to as the NMJL. The League was the first to devise an American rule book, which was entitled “Maajh: The American Version of the Ancient Chinese Game”. During the early years of its release and play in the United States, culturally it became a game that was often and mostly played by Jewish women. In fact, the founders of the National Mah Jong League were all Jewish women. They played it as a fun and challenging game that was part of their social life, and there was no gambling involved with its play, which is different from in China where gambling was coming with the play of Mah Jong. It was these Jewish women who are responsible for the most popular form of Mah Jong played today, which is referred to as “American Mah Jong”.
For our portuguese guests :
Remova todas as pecas do tabuleiro de jogo. Jogos gratis para jogar online. E bem interessante e um pouco dificil. Brincar tem cerca de 50 variantes de Mahjong, portanto ha para todos os gostos! Jogue Mahjong Link, jogue Patterns link e divirta-se ao fazer combinacoes de varias texturas no estilo mahjong, Mahjong Borboletas Butterfly Kyodai online gratis Classico. Junte os pares dos mesmos desenhos para remover os desenhos do campo do jogo Dream Love Link. Jugar Jogos de Mahjong en Jogos 123! Aqui voce tem uma boa escolha. Selecione dois as mesmas pecas para mover o Mahjong jogo. Pode selecionar apenas as partes que tem pelo menos um lado livre, esquerda ou direita. O que mais voce esperava? Avante! O tabuleiro Mahjong 3D esta cheio de pecas e voce tem que encontrar as pecas iguais. Preste muita atencao, pois elas sao cheias de detalhes e voce pode acabar se confundindo!