PC car games online

Driving automobiles can be very funny, especially when you can do it in your browser, playing from anywhere, including school or workplace, without any downloads. Here are some cool car games that you can play in your browser.
Moto X3M is an awesome bike game with 22 challenging levels. Choose a bike, put your helmet on, pass obstacles and get ready to beat the time on tons of off-road circuits. Have fun with Moto X3M! The controls are simple: use the keyboard arrow keys to control the acceleration and deceleration, and also your tilt. Ride through each course and try to land your jumps perfectly. If you angle your bike incorrectly you risk tipping your bike over! Each level features an array of different obstacles and objects for you to traverse – you will find this game both fun and challenging! This is off-road biking to the max and for any motorbike fan, this game will provide a huge amount of enjoyment! If you like it, make sure to try our other amazing bike games here.
Russian Car Driver ZIL 130 is an awesome truck driving simulation game in which you get to control the legendary ZIL 130 soviet truck. This realistic simulation game gives you a real feel into how the truck handles and how you have to master the controls to keep this beast moving. You can roam freely throughout the map and discover the beautiful landscape that awaits you or compete in different challenges to become the ultimate long-distance trucker. There are 6 awesome game modes to play. All are super fun to take part in. Have fun!
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